Event photography is a challenging but rewarding genre of photography. Capturing the essence of an event requires careful planning, technical skills, and creativity. From corporate events to weddings, every event is unique and requires a different approach. In this blog, I will guide you through an event photography workflow that will help you capture the best moments of an event.

There’s a few important things to remember.

  1. You want to capture the life of the event
  2. You need to get the photos to the key stake holders as quickly as possible.

We’re going to talk about how to achieve both of those.


Before the event

Before the even begins make sure you have a shot list that the photographers can follow. Give them info about what you want to capture and how you want to tag it later. They need to know this because they will be the ones tagging the content during editing.

Set up your Library & Album in Capture Collab. A Library can be specific for an event and the Album can be the session.

  • Think Music Festival 2022 for the Library
  • Band Name or Stage Name for the Album

During the event, work in Teams. Editors and Photographers

While the event is on, if your team is large enough, I suggest having people dedicated to shooting and other dedicated to editing. I aim to have photos to the editors within 10 minutes of the event kicking off. This allow the full cycle process to begin.

One team is photographing the event while the other team is editing and upload the photos.

The benefits here are huge as your stake holders will have access to high quality content right as the event kicks off.


The Photographer Team

I recommend that photographers work in time allocations. Spend 15-30 minutes shooting. Then come back to the editing station to swap out your cards.


The Editor Team

This team is the powerhouse! Transfer the photos into Lightroom and start editing. Here is where the magic happens.

  • Pick only the best 10 shots. Yes, only 10. More will be coming in later.
  • While editing add Meta Tags for what is in the photos.
  • These get read in to Capture Collab automatically and converted into searchable tags.
  • Login and upload the photos.



Capture Collab allows you to have real time photo feeds in their app. So you can create a View of all photos that match a set of tags and invite people to have access. This lets you build a full library of you content and show the key stake holders the photos they want to see and nothing else.

Every time you upload, the feed updates with the new photos.

Invite your staff, Social Media Manager, and key team to have access to they can share on social and drive traffic back to your accounts.

That’s it! That, in my opinion, is the best way to run a photo team for an even.